I tried to do it, but now the skin hides and does not show up at all. Here is the code:Until balala answers this in more detail if needed, you could look into adding an appropriate IfCondition to check the value of your PlayerType=Position WebNowPlaying measure, and based on its true or false result, use the desired bangs to hide/show the skin or trigger your animation:
If your times differ from track to track, you could define some variables holding these times in seconds for each track in the [Variables] section of your skin, and use them in the IfConditions above:
Not sure how you'd like to differentiate between track 1 and track 2 though, since WebNowPlaying lacks a PlayerType=Number option like NowPlaying has:
[Rainmeter]Update=1000DynamicWindowSize=1[Variables]; Define song titles and their corresponding hiding timesSong1Title="Ghosttown"Song1HideStart=60Song1HideEnd=90Song2Title="Kyoto"Song2HideStart=120Song2HideEnd=150[MeasureCurrentTitle]Measure=PluginPlugin=WebNowPlayingPlayerType=SpotifyPlayerName=SpotifyPlayerTrack[MeasureTime]Measure=PluginPlugin=WebNowPlayingPlayerType=SpotifyPlayerName=SpotifyPlayerTrackPosition[MeasureHideSkin]Measure=Calc; Checking if the current song matches Song1Title and is within the specified time rangeFormula=((MeasureCurrentTitle = #Song1Title#) && (MeasureTime >= #Song1HideStart#) && (MeasureTime <= #Song1HideEnd#)) || ((MeasureCurrentTitle = #Song2Title#) && (MeasureTime >= #Song2HideStart#) && (MeasureTime <= #Song2HideEnd#))DynamicVariables=1[MeterSkinVisibility]Meter=ImageImageName=#FrameFolder#Loading-1.pngX=0Y=0Hidden=(MeasureHideSkin)[!UpdateMeasure "MeasureCurrentTitle"][!UpdateMeasure "MeasureTime"][!UpdateMeasure "MeasureHideSkin"][!Redraw]
Statistics: Posted by adam447777 — Yesterday, 5:12 pm