The themes in this suite do not use any alpha values, so to make the backgrounds transparent requires editing each theme file.Hello.
I am currently in love with a skin suite called Monterey. It has the perfect Now Playing skin except for a small detail. I'd like the background on the gadget to be 100% transparent. As a matter of fact, if they could ALL have transparent backgrounds...
I have tried searching through the files in the @resources folder, but I am old and drive for a living so my brain feels like it is grasping what is going on, but I cannot figure it out.
The skin is located at
It's been archived, but I still tried getting in touch with the author for their help. There has been no response.
If anyone can help me with the code, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Those files are located in 'Monterey\@Resources\Scripts\Themes' folder. They are named:,,,, and
You need to open each file in your editor, locate the BackgroundColor values and add '01' to that value. Save the file.
Here is the modified file:
The is a bit different, edit the [AutoThemeMeasure] section:
[Variables]WidgetPadding=#PaddingBase#WidgetRadius=#RadiusBase#[AutoThemeMeasure]Measure=CalcFormula=#DarkMode#IfCondition=(#DarkMode# = 1)IfTrueAction=[!SetVariable BackgroundColor #DarkThemeBackground#01][!SetVariable ForegroundColor #DarkThemeForeground#]IfFalseAction=[!SetVariable BackgroundColor #LightThemeBackground#01][!SetVariable ForegroundColor #LightThemeForeground#]
[Variables]WidgetPadding=#PaddingBase#WidgetRadius=#RadiusBase#[ChameleonMeasure]Measure=PluginGroup=ColorThemePlugin=ChameleonType=Desktop[BackgroundColor]Measure=PluginGroup=ColorThemePlugin=ChameleonParent=ChameleonMeasureColor=Average[ForegroundColor]Measure=PluginGroup=ColorThemePlugin=ChameleonParent=ChameleonMeasureColor=Foreground1[ColorThemeBackground]Measure=StringString=#ColorThemeBackground#Substitute="%0":"[*BackgroundColor*]01","%1":"[*ForegroundColor*]"OnUpdateAction=[!SetVariable BackgroundColor [&#CURRENTSECTION#]][ColorThemeForeground]Measure=StringString=#ColorThemeForeground#Substitute="%0":"[*BackgroundColor*]01","%1":"[*ForegroundColor*]"OnUpdateAction=[!SetVariable ForegroundColor [&#CURRENTSECTION#]][DarkMode]Measure=PluginGroup=ColorThemePlugin=ChameleonParent=ChameleonMeasureColor=LuminanceRegExpSubstitute=1Substitute="0.[5-9].*":"0","0.[0-4].*":"1"OnUpdateAction=[!SetVariable DarkMode [DarkMode]][Variables]BackgroundColor=#ColorThemeBackground#ForegroundColor=#ColorThemeForeground#DarkMode=1
With those edits, you will have transparent backgrounds.
The 'Themes' will work in 'Settings, but the foreground and background colors will not work. to correct that, I would need to look a lot deeper into this, and feel it is not something that will be easily modified right now.
Statistics: Posted by eclectic-tech — Today, 2:13 am