How about this?Is it possible to retreive the state of a specified skin's setting?
For example, if I wanted to check if a skin's "ClickThrough" is enabled, how would I go about doing that?
IniMod.exe for UTF-8 encoded ini file
IniMod 1.0 [Win 64-bit] (2021.02.02)Console application for managing INI files.Jacek Pazera, IniMod COMMAND FILES OPTIONSOptions are case-insensitive. Options and values in square brackets are optional.All parameters that do not start with the "-" or "/" sign are treated as file names/masks.Options and input files can be placed in any order, but -- (double dash followed by space) indicates the end of parsing options and all subsequent parameters are treated as file names/masks.COMMANDS w, Write Writes a key value. IniMod w FILES -s Section -k Key -v Value r, Read Reads and displays the value of a key. IniMod r FILES -s Section -k Key rnk, RenameKey Renames the key. IniMod rnk FILES -s Section -k OldKeyName -kn NewKeyName rmk, RemoveKey Removes the key. IniMod rmk FILES -s Section -k Key rms, RemoveSection Removes the given section. IniMod rms FILES -s Section ras, RemoveAllSections Removes all sections. IniMod ras FILES rs, ReadSection Displays section keys and values. IniMod rs FILES -s Section rk, ReadKeys Displays section keys. IniMod rk FILES -s Section ls, ListSections Displays the names of all sections. IniMod ls FILES wsc, WriteSectionComment IniMod wsc FILES -s Section -c Comment [-x NUM] rsc, RemoveSectionComment IniMod rsc FILES -s Section wfc, WriteFileComment Adds one line to the file comment. IniMod wfc FILES -c Comment [-x NUM] rfc, RemoveFileComment Clears file comment. IniMod rfc FILESMAIN OPTIONS -s, --section=NAME Section name. -k, --key=NAME Key name. -kn, --new-key-name=NAME Key name. -v, --value=STR Key value. -c, --comment=STR Section or file comment. -x NUM Padding spaces (for comments). NUM - a positive integer. -rd, --recurse-depth=NUM Recursion depth when searching for files. NUM - a positive integer. --silent Do not display some messages.INFO -h, --help Show this help. --version Show application version. --license Display program license. --home Opens program home page in the default browser. --github Opens the GitHub page with the program's source files.FILES - Any combination of file names/masks. Eg.: file.ini *config*.ini "long file name.ini"-------------------------------------------------EXIT CODES 0 - OK - no errors. 2 - Syntax error. 1 - Other error.
ReadIni.UTF-16LE│ Skin.ini│ └─@Resources └─Addons IniMod.exe
;; 2024-09-20 | UTF-16 LE BOM;;;; Read a key value from Rainmeter.ini (UTF-16 LE BOM);;[Variables];;;; Skin scaling - Based on display resolution recognized by the Rainmeter.exe;; ;; 1.00 (100%) - 1920x1080, 1280x720;; 1.25 (125%) - 1920x1200;; 1.50 (150%) - 2560x1440, 2560x1600, 3440x1440;; 2.00 (200%) - 3840x2160;; 4.00 (400%) - 7680x4320;;;; @see Rainmeter and DPI in Windows 10 by jsmorley |;; @see Get DPI scaling on the command line | `setdpi.exe value 1` |;;$=(Max(1.00,Ceil(Min(#SCREENAREAWIDTH#,#SCREENAREAHEIGHT#)/1080*100/25)*25/100))INI_FILE=#SETTINGSPATH#Rainmeter.iniSECTION_NAME=illustro\ClockKEY_NAME=ClickThrough[Rainmeter]Update=-1; DefaultUpdateDivider=-1AccurateText=1MouseActionCursor=0;; =========================================================;; === Measures ==========================================;; =========================================================;;;; RunCommand plugin by Brian |;;;; > Program option |;;;; > IniMod.exe for UTF-8 encoded ini file |;;;; @Note The file encoding of Rainmeter.ini is UTF-16 LE BOM (Unicode).;; You can not write any value to the Rainmeter.ini with IniMod.exe.;; `type "#INI_FILE#" > ini.txt` is converting from UTF-16 LE BOM to ANSI.;; If it contains any multibyte characters in the Section name or Key name,;; you can not read the values.;;;;;; Substitute option - Regular expressions;;;; 1. Remove lines except line 1.;; "\n[\s\S]*":"";;;; 2. Trimming whitespace characters at the beginning of the string.;; "\A\s+":"";;;; 3. Trimming whitespace characters at the end of the string.;; >;; "\A[\s\S]*\S\K\s*\z":"" (much better than "\s+$":"");;[pRunCommand]Measure=PluginPlugin=RunCommandProgram=%ComSpec% /CParameter=type "#INI_FILE#" > ini.txt && IniMod.exe r ini.txt -s "#SECTION_NAME#" -k "#KEY_NAME#" --silentStartInFolder=#@#AddonsOutputType=ANSIDynamicVariables=1RegExpSubstitute=1; Substitute="\n[\s\S]*":"", "^The (?:SECTION|KEY) name was not specified!$":"", '^Key ".+?" does not exists!$':"", "\A\s+":"", "\A[\s\S]*\S\K\s*\z":""Substitute="\n[\s\S]*":""FinishAction=[!Log "[#SECTION_NAME#] #KEY_NAME#=[pRunCommand] | #INI_FILE#"];; =========================================================;; === Meters ============================================;; =========================================================[Box]Meter=ImageW=(80*#$#)H=(80*#$#)SolidColor=EDEADELeftMouseUpAction=[!SetVariable KEY_NAME "Draggable"][!UpdateMeasure pRunCommand][!CommandMeasure pRunCommand "Run"][Ninja]Meter=StringHidden=1UpdateDivider=-1OnUpdateAction=[!CommandMeasure pRunCommand "Run"]
Statistics: Posted by nek — Today, 12:18 am