looks like I have to stick with it as it isOh, I see, you were talking about the bars, I misunderstood it the first time! The bars have nothing to do with WebNowPlaying (or NowPlaying for that matter), their values are based on the sound coming from your device / port like KazukiGames82 mentioned, and come from the AudioLevel measures, while their display is entirely controlled by the "bar" meters.
You might want to look into using a Process measure and an IfCondition on its value to check whether your Spotify app is running or not, and execute the proper !EnableMeasure... / !DisableMeasure... / !SetOption ... / !HideMeter ... / !ShowMeter bangs to either disable or enable the AudioLevel measures, or hide or show the bar meters.

Statistics: Posted by faadi — Yesterday, 9:10 pm