Good question, but it made me realize something that wasn't that obvious the first time I looked at the post from my phone: he's making the "bars" using dashed lines (see the CDU, CDT, CDV and CDW visuals in the screenshot above). Because of how dashes work in the Rainmeter Shapes, it's kind of tricky to do this:why are you creating shapes using Lines?
[Variables][Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1BackgroundMode=2SolidColor=0,0,0,255---Measures---[Value1]Measure=CalcFormula=RandomUpdateRandom=1LowBound=0HighBound=5[Value2]Measure=CalcFormula=RandomUpdateRandom=1LowBound=0HighBound=100[Value3]Measure=CalcFormula=RandomUpdateRandom=1LowBound=0HighBound=150---Meters---[Bars]Meter=ShapeX=5Y=10W=125H=40Shape =Rectangle 0, 0,(120*[Value1]/ 5),0 | Extend AttribShape2=Rectangle 0,15,(120*[Value2]/100),0 | Extend AttribShape3=Rectangle 0,30,(120*[Value3]/150),0 | Extend AttribAttrib=Fill Color 0,0,0,0 | Stroke Color 128,128,128,255 | StrokeWidth 10 | StrokeDashes 0.1,0.4 | StrokeDashOffset 0.0DynamicVariables=1
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Today, 8:15 pm