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Help: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Variable CPU data but fixed BAR width ... and a 2nd problem

BUUUUUTTTTTTT, I have noticed 2 strange things with my CPU meter, where I am now not quite sure if my code still contains an error (See heading of this topic ... my 2nd problem) ... or if there is perhaps a BUG in Rainmeter.
Namely, if I start 2 Instances of my CPU meter, i.e. my CPU meter runs twice on the screen, THEN, AND ONLY THEN, does the "Min-Value" Display for CPU usage (CDU) work. :???:
If only 1 Instance of my CPU meter is running, then the "MIN-Value" Usage Display (CDU) is permanently 0.00%.

At the End of this Posting are 2 Screenshots what I mean. And no, is not a Joke or a Fake, is really.

How can this be? Or is this coincidentally related to what I have read here in the forum, that "Windows 11 22H2" and higher versions, where it is currently difficult to read out the real values such as MHz/GHz, Usage etc., and third-party programs such as HWiNFO etc. also have their problems?

I currently have completely different values for CPU utilization in Windows TAskmanager, HWiNFO etc., even though I have the latest Rainmeter and HWiNFO version.
Currently, as I am writing this text here, I have "4.32GHz" CPU clock in the task manager, for example, while Rainmeter gives me the data from HWiNFO with "3.755.3MHz", i.e. ~"3.75GHz" CPU clock.
Has the problem between Windows11, Rainmeter and third party programs still not been fixed since 22H2, or have I just got a pin in my head and have now programmed junk into my CPU meter code because of all the reading on the subject here in the forum? :confused: :???:
It's not that bad for me, on Win 10:
The occasional CPU clock MHz frequency difference might also be because of the different moments (in terms of milliseconds or such) that these measurements were taken. The CPU usage should be roughly the same in Task Manager, Rainmeter, HWiNFO in both Win10 and Win11, assuming you're looking at the same "CPU Utility" (aka % Processor Utility) values that Task Manager uses to diaply the CPU usage. Your Min-Value was occasionally 0% for me during the process of setting the HWiNFO gadget / registry indexes, but as you can see, it's not 0% anymore.

By the way, the CPU frequency can alternatively be computed using the base CPU frequency and the CPU performance percentage, e.g.:


[CPUSpeed]Measure=RegistryRegHKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINERegKey=HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0RegValue=~MHzUpdateDivider=3600[CPUPerf]Measure=PluginPlugin=UsageMonitorCategory=Processor InformationCounter=% Processor PerformanceName=0,_Total[CPUFreq]Measure=CalcFormula=(CPUSpeed*(CPUPerf?CPUPerf:100)/100)
Both me and SilverAzide have some posts on the forum in that regard, but I don't feel like searching the exact matches at this time, so you only have the summary of it above.

Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Today, 8:43 pm

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