Yeah, I do sometimes run Folding@Home eating up background CPU/GPU resources, but even when I'm running nothing consuming significant resources I still see the unresponsiveness. As already mentioned this seems related to some recent system change, but unclear what could be responsible. Frustrating that there isn't a clearer cause.As for the unresponsiveness, that is almost always related to a high CPU usage, irrespective of whether it is visible or tied up to some software or not (yes, there are high CPU usages that are not related to particular software, I've encountered that before in other cases). The cause of such usage can, of course, be various things, and unfortunately identifying it is not always easy. Regarding the plugins, what I know is that the LibreHardwareMonitor one has a 1 update / second delay in terms of current values, and that the PerfMonPDH is not yet multithreaded, but that shouldn't necessarily be related to the issue since they seem to work fine on other systems.
Statistics: Posted by Kolano — Today, 5:12 am