Doesn't matter the order of those parameters. I'd extract the needed parameters (X, Y, Width and Height) one by one with proper WebParser measures and would use them in the needed order. You don't have to get them all by a single measure, just to have to use substitution to get them in right order.My last remaining problem:
After the X coordinate, unfortunately the html does not continue with Y but with Width! How can I exchange the order of the remaining string sections so that I get the correct Rainmeter syntax? If I understand the documentation correctly, I think this might require RegExpSubstitute - but I'm not sure, so far my regex experience has not dealt with "changing the order" in a string chain. Hopefully, it can be done? A small hint is highly welcome, will try to dig into it. My motivation is close to infinity with this project, it's actually fun and thanks to the usual suspects in this forum, well, I have come THIS far!
If you don't know how to do this, les us know please, for further help.
Statistics: Posted by balala — Today, 7:39 am