Didn't check your attachement, but, assuming the rest of your code is otherwise correct, I think your answer is here:I'm trying to pass the found data update time value to the web parser to get values starting from this time.A null value is transmitted and nothing else.Code:
[mfactvalidHourcalc]Measure=CalcFormula=mfactvalidHourIfConditionMode=1IfCondition=(mfactvalidHour > 0)IfTrueAction=[!SetOption WindVal Text "control"][!UpdateMeter "mStartHour"]DynamicVariables=1[mStartHour]Measure=PluginPlugin=WebParserUrl=[mTotal]RegExp="(?siU)forecast valid=\".*T[mfactvalidHourcalc]:\d+:\d+\" tod(.*)$"StringIndex=1StringIndex2=1DynamicVariables=1;UpdateDivider=5
So, your existing [!UpdateMeter "mStartHour"] (and possibly Url=[mTotal], but only if [mTotal] isn't a WebParser measure, otherwise disregard this part) should be adjusted accordingly.
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — 24 minutes ago