Thank you both for your help. I managed the problem with two shapes and a calc:
From the first shape i take the X-position that goes in two times a year from minus to plus and from the second shape i take the X-position that goes one time a year from minus to plus. Both uses the cycle "[ThetaSonnenBahn]" that is also based on a shape that goes one time a year from plus to minus.
The calc at the end merges both values together, so i get a value in minutes.
Thank you very much, greetings from Switzerland.
;--------SONNENANALEMMABAHN---------[EkliptikSchiefe]Meter=ShapeShape=Ellipse #Z#,#Z#,1 | StrokeWidth 1 | Stroke Color #Nichts# | Fill Color #Nichts#X=((100*#Scale#)*COS(([ThetaSonnenBahn]*2)+(PI/2)))Y=((100*#Scale#)*SIN(([ThetaSonnenBahn]*2)+(PI/2)))DynamicVariables=1UpdateDivider=1[Exzentrizität]Meter=ShapeShape=Ellipse #Z#,#Z#,1 | StrokeWidth 1 | Stroke Color #Nichts# | Fill Color #Nichts#X=((74*#Scale#)*COS([ThetaSonnenBahn]+(PI*0.39)))Y=((74*#Scale#)*SIN([ThetaSonnenBahn]+(PI*0.39)))DynamicVariables=1UpdateDivider=1[AnalemmaRechner]Measure=CalcFormula=(([EkliptikSchiefe:X]+[Exzentrizität:X])/10)DynamicVariables=1UpdateDivider=1
The calc at the end merges both values together, so i get a value in minutes.
Thank you very much, greetings from Switzerland.
Statistics: Posted by Hagart — Today, 9:22 am