If I recall correctly, it is because I think DWM is excluded by default for the CPU alias. We (the Rainmeter devs and testers) discovered that DWM needs to be blacklisted internally, because Windows does something weird with it and causes the CPU usage to be greater than 100%. You'd probably need to scrounge through the posts when this feature was added.Question about SilverAzide Gadgets skin. I'm working on a personal skin project and am hacking my way through it using his skin as a template and coding example.
I'm currently working on the CPU Process Meter and I'm usingto prevent these items from showing up.Code:
I noticed on the Gadgets Top CPU Meter skin these items don't show up as well but Blacllist is not used in the ini file.
He does use Blacklist in the Gadgets Top GPU Meter.
I'd like to figure out how this is achieved.
Any ideas?
Statistics: Posted by SilverAzide — Today, 2:59 pm