An update to the Gadgets has been released! See download link in first post.
7.8.0 - 2024-09-02
Requires Rainmeter 4.5.16 or later.
Upgrade Notes
If upgrading an existing Gadgets installation:
New 12-hour Forecast gadget
7.8.0 - 2024-09-02
- Enhanced Weather Meter to show UV index.
- Added Weather Meter 12-Hour Forecast gadget (click Weather Meter current temperature to toggle).
- Enhanced All CPU Meter to show memory composition breakdown (optional).
- Updated All CPU Meter to support Qualcomm Snapdragon X CPUs (Windows on ARM).
- Corrected All CPU Meter core temp display when using HWiNFO on SMP machines.
- Corrected Chronometer skin to fix glass reflections when scale factor is not 1.00.
Requires Rainmeter 4.5.16 or later.
Upgrade Notes
If upgrading an existing Gadgets installation:
- Weather Meter: The default colors have changed; you may want to reset your colors to the default values.
- Network Meter Pro and Wireless Meter Pro: The NetMonitor service has not been updated in this release. Upgrading the service is optional. To upgrade, use the Network Settings to stop the service, uninstall it, and then reinstall.
- If using any patches, such as the Gadgets Modernizer, download and reinstall the latest version of the patch.
New 12-hour Forecast gadget
Statistics: Posted by SilverAzide — Yesterday, 10:17 pm