Help: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Weather Skins Not Working
This may have started yesterday; if not today - looks like the Sonder weather skin is throwing constant errors to the rainmeter log (so many that it was causing system slow down):Error 20:20:37:.420...
View ArticleBugs & Feature Suggestions • Re: [Friendly Resource] If PlayerType=Lyrics...
And...done, all in a single measure using the full power of regexing the timestamped lines to bangs and a bit of nested syntax and escaping for variables! I still have to tweak one or two things...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Recent Problem with the Qbt Skin for Qbittorrent lua...
Hello,I am not sure what happened but the lua Qbt skin has stopped working.Has anyone else noticed that?I haven't been able to isolate any issue, and I am not very experienced at lua.Any help...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Expandable list with chevron
It is possible but will require more time than is currently available for me.Basically, it would require creating a BackgroundHeightMin variable and then adding a Clamp function to the SettingBGHeight...
View ArticleDocks and Launchers • Re: FolderView
Wow this is great! Puts mine to shame! Statistics: Posted by sl23 — Yesterday, 5:35 pm
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Scrolling items in FileView
I'm looking through your code and found the essence of it. Just a quick question related to how it's done normally.Is it possible to just turn the IndexUp/Down into a Calc?By that I mean something...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Re: FileView troubles ... again!
Thanks I found that out, fixed and updated the code above. Still getting those issues though!Statistics: Posted by sl23 — Yesterday, 8:47 pm
View ArticleFeatured Guides • Re: Working with Angle on a String Meter (redux)
but seems way complicatedNot sure there's anything more complicated than the transformation matrix in Rainmeter if you ask 10 people out of 10, but I know you have a soft spot for it, so it's...
View ArticleUtilities and Tools • Re: Hot Corners skin for Rainmeter
Sure thing, glad to help. I think you can try eclectic-tech's skin directly, since he covered almost everything in his version. I'd be curious if you still get inconsistent results for the "show...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Recent Problem with the Qbt Skin for Qbittorrent...
I see, that cleares things up somewhat. If the original used to work before and your current settings are the same as when it worked, then, bar something that hasn't been checked yet, maybe there has...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Conditional Formulas
No, there is NO WAY to use string in mathematical formula, neither in a Formula option of a Calc measure, nor in an IfCondition. Sorry, but I still sustain this. The original question was related to...
View ArticleSystem Monitoring • HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges 4.1 [Important Bug Fixes]
Resizable Gauges 4.1 - Important Bug FixesWell, as I mentioned earlier, this new update is all about fixing important stuff. New packages can be found on the main post.You'll notice there's now 2...
View ArticleRainmeter News • Re: Skin Authors: openstreetmap usage
Personally, if I were to use Nominatim, I'd let the the requests manual, whenever the user changes his locationRight, same here. Never could realize why a measure getting locations has to be regularly...
View ArticleBugs & Feature Suggestions • Re: Improvement to ManageRainmeter window...
I imagine it would. Not 100% sure on that, but in any case, that is a list "control", and there is no practical way to update only "part" of a control.Yep, you're right, I tested it in the meantime....
View ArticleBugs & Feature Suggestions • Re: [Bug] !SetAnchor bang doesnt work to set...
I'm fairly certain this was not a limitation in prior releases.Too vague explanation. What do you mean by "inactive skin"? I assume a not focused skin, right? But if you do, can't replicate the issue....
View ArticleWeather • Canadian Weather
Hi All. Many years ago, I built a weather skin that scraped the weather information page for a specific location, at the Environment Canada website ( It worked great, but I got...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Sh8dy Gadgets - Work in Progress - Need Help -...
I'm trying to refine the setting menu with some mouseover highlighting. I've gotten most of the way there but I'm running into some trouble with the implementation. I packaged up the skin and attached...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Help me with a progressbar using PNG
Hello, brothers of RM, I'm stuck because I don't know how to make a progress bar in my skin for Rainmeter.In my skin there's a section that reads all AIMP data and functions, like any skin...
View ArticleWeather • Re: Canadian Weather
Is Rainmeter capable of using that API (I suppose in the same way it uses the API)Definitely. Although unless you have some sort of particular need to get this directly from the source,...
View ArticleHelp: Rainmeter Skins • Re: FolderView - IconPath
Thanks.So is this for specifying a specific custom icon? Seems odd that it isn't just adding the extension itself if all that's happening is you are giving a location for the standard icons that get...
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